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Sunday 12 May 2013

Russian billionaire reveals real-life 'avatar' plan

A Russian billionaire has revealed controversial plans to upload his own brain and become immortal by 2045.
32 year-old Dmitry Itskov believes technology will allow him to live forever in a hologram body.
Still some work to do: 32 year-old Dmitry Itskov, seen here in prototype robotic form, believes he will be able to upload his brain to a hologram body in 2045 and live forever

His '2045 initiative' is described as the next step in evolution, and over 20,000 people have signed up on Facebook to follow its progress, with global conferences planned to explore the technology needed.

'We are in the process of creating focus groups of experts,' said Itskov.
'Along with these teams, we will prepare goal statements and research programs schedules.'

The foundation has already planned out its timeline for getting to a fully holographic human, and claims it will be ready to upload a mind into a computer by 2015, a timeline even Itskov says is 'optimistic'.

Methinks this guy has too much money. He does not know what to do with it

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