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Monday 22 April 2013

Al Qaeda's boy commandos: Children as young as FIVE show off their horrifying arsenal of weapons at terror training camp

They are barely bigger than the assault rifles they grasp clumsily in their hands.Yet these children are being trained to become the next generation of terrorists from the age of just five.

Sitting in long lines as if on a school outing, they struggle to lift deadly AK-47s as they are made to fire off a flurry of rounds, their tiny bodies getting knocked back by the recoil.Others grapple with pistols as they are brainwashed into waging Jihad on the West and becoming suicide bombers.

The terrifying footage was taken from an Al Qaeda terror camp in north Waziristan, near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.Many of the children are orphans of the terrorist organisation's 'martyrs' following the same deadly route as their fathers.

It was initially posted on an underground al Qaeda website and is believed to have been issued by the Turkistan Islamic Party, which trains insurgents to fight alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan.It is believed the armed group is responsible for hundreds of acts of ­terrorism worldwide in the past 20 years.

Will this ever end? Can any allied force stop them especially when quite a number have ulterior motives?
It just seems to me like some unending feud and chaos

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