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Monday 15 April 2013

Marathon running? It's all in your genes

If you've ever watched the New York Marathon and thought, 'I could never do that', you could be right, because scientists have found some people's genes make them bad at running.

Scientists have uncovered a key group of 30 genes which determine how the human body responds to stamina training, and whether the body is capable of running a marathon.

For most people training helps increase stamina, but for one in five, no matter how hard they push themselves they will never improve and may even get worse.

Those that have the right combination of these genes can respond to regular intense aerobic exercise such as long distance running. 

The 20 per cent who are ill-suited to marathon training have genes that do not remodel effectively under regular high intensity training their body’s ability to get oxygen to their muscles can even be reduced, resulting in a reduction in performance.

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