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Monday 29 July 2013

Study finds more than 5,000 personality traits are linked to how we write

'Are you an outgoing, sceptical people pleaser? Or an arrogant, practical person who has a tendency to lie? 

According to research from the National Pen Company in the U.S., your handwriting can give away clues about 5,000 different personality traits based on the way you space your letters, how you sign your name, and even how you connect the letter 'o' and 's' to other letters in a word.

It can even be used to identify potential health problems including schizophrenia, high blood pressure as well as how much energy you have.

The process of analysing handwriting is called graphology. It is classed as a pseudoscientific because there are debates about how accurate it can be at determining psychological and even physical attributes. 

Some companies use graphology during recruitment processes and the methods have also been used in court cases.

According to the graphic, the size of someone's handwriting can determine the type of personality they have. 

People with small handwriting tend to be shy, studious and meticulous, whereas outgoing people who love attention will have larger handwriting.

Can this be true?

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