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Tuesday 14 May 2013

Natural sex supplements bought online may contain dangerous prescription drugs

People should not buy sex supplements online because they may contain secretly added prescription medications, according to scientists in America.

Experts at Harvard Medical School say that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that sexual enhancement supplements are effective.

They also claim that the supplements could cause serious harm.

Experts have advised men not to turn to natural sex supplements found online because they could contain dangerous drugs
Experts have advised men not to turn to natural sex supplements found online because they could contain dangerous drugs

The researchers are warning that supplement manufacturers sometimes add undisclosed prescription drugs, such as Viagra, to their products to make them more effective.

Live Science reported that the secretly added drugs are sometimes untested versions of the prescription medications meaning that they are not known to be safe.

Even if they are legitimate medications, they can cause side effects such as low blood pressure if unwittingly taken alongside other medications

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