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Saturday 25 May 2013

Research: Women's Handbags Dirtier Than a Toilet

A woman's handbag is like her second identity. It is indispensable, especially if she is going out.

But do you know that women's handbags contain more bacteria than the average toilet?
Well, tests done by Initial Washroom Hygiene show that the dirtiest item in an average handbag is hand cream; it carries more bacteria than the average toilet seat, while other items like lipstick and mascara were also found to be contaminated.
It also shows that leather handbags carry the most bacteria because the spongy texture provides 'perfect growing conditions.' It is, therefore, advisable that women should wash their hands regularly and use antibacterial wipes to clean their bags and contents.
Results of these tests were reported by the UK's Daily Mail last week. The technical manager at Initial Hygiene, Peter Barratt, said: "Handbags come into regular contact with our hands and a variety of surfaces; so, the risk of transferring different germs onto them is very high, especially as bags are rarely cleaned.
"Once these germs are on the bags, they can easily be transferred via hands onto other surfaces."
Tests showed that one in five handbag handles is home to sufficient bacteria to pose a risk to human health. Some women actually go with them to the toilet, and yet the bags are never cleaned.
Like the handbags, there are a number of items we least expect to be contaminated with germs yet they are. Think of lip balm. How often have you - with unwashed hands - scooped some from the tin to apply to the lips, and then passed over to a friend to also apply to avoid dehydration?
Items like wet soap, cell phones, towels, TV or radio remote, gym bags and toothbrushes, if not properly stored and cleaned, they put us at risk of disease as they are good breeding ground for germs.

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