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Wednesday 5 December 2012

PhD and Masters’ holders cum drivers

The screaming headline “6 PhD holders, 704 Master’s degree holders apply for “DRIVER’s” job in Dangote group” was initially fascinating but later saddening for me. How can the bulk of our researchers desire to be drivers after all the time spent to get their degrees?
There is a catch however, the ownership of the truck would be transferred to any driver that completes 300,000 miles despite the fact that they would be on a 180,000 naira salary monthly. In Nigeria of today, that is a wonderful bargain. This picture depicted is good for an individual but what does it portend for the nation?
Should not the nation’s Educational institutions and policies be re-evaluated?
Is Education not becoming our opium like our religions and oil?
Is not it hi-time a framework is worked out to encourage industrialization?
We need to have more vocational schools and entrepreneurial skills needs to be taught in all schools. Small and medium scale industries need to be encouraged to spring up so that in no time, we export goods and services instead of importing.
I hope a turnaround is on the horizon!

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