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Saturday 8 December 2012

PSY, Gangnam style crooner anti- American


Feelers have it that Gangnam style crooner, Psy who is now very popular in the United states  had participated  in two anti-American performances a few years before he became a big star.
In 2002, Psy walked onto the stage at a massive performance meant to protest the large U.S. military presence in South Korea. He wore an outlandish, glittered red costume and gold face paint. As the crowd cheered him on, Psy lifted a large model of a U.S. tank and, to cheers and applause, smashed it against the stage. 

Two years later, Psy joined several other performers in a concert, this one also protesting the United States and its military. He rapped a song titled “Dear American.” The song is not his – the original is by South Korean metal band N.EX.T – but here are the lyrics, in English and in Korean;
싸이 rap : 이라크 포로를 고문해 씨발양년놈들과
고문 하라고 시킨 씨발 양년놈들에
딸래미 애미 며느리 애비 코쟁이 모두 죽여
아주 천천히 죽여 고통스럽게 죽여
Kill those —— Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those —— Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully
This controversy is brewing because President Obama and his family’s plans to attend a charity concert featuring the Korean pop star.
The coming days should be interesting.

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